Hey, Contemporary Princess! Want to lean into your identity as a daughter of the King?

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Friday, June 4, 2021



If you're following along with me, I want you to be able to see the heart behind my efforts. That's why I created the "Prayers" tab. This is the place where I will get a little vulnerable and share some excerpts from my personal prayer journal. (Not all of them, because I do believe in having "a secret place" with God.) I hope sharing some of my triumphs and struggles helps encourage you in your own journey. It's a little scary, but sharing my spiritual walk with you is the MOST important to me. Of course, if you have prayer requests of your own, send them to me via the "contact" tab! 

Back to taking chances and it feels goooood. 

Why does it feel good?

1. Because I have to trust You. 

2. Because it feels like something only me and You are doing. Together. 

3. It’s exciting. 

4. It reminds me that You created me as a BIG dreamer.

5. It feels like I’m taking steps toward You.

6. It feels like I’m living out my purpose.

7. It’s passionate.

8. It’s fun for me. (More fun than scary.)

9. It reminds me that You are in charge. Of small things, of MASSIVE things.

10. I think it helps remind me of my identity. I feel beautiful, I feel inspired, I feel strong, I feel brave...Those things that I know You are...I feel like them, too, when I’m pursuing a big dream. And that reminds me that I’m made in Your image. But it reminds me...foreminds me...of YOU. 

I guess it’s my kind of worship in that way. ♥️ 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


If you're following along with me, I want you to be able to see the heart behind my efforts. That's why I created the "Prayers" tab. This is the place where I will get a little vulnerable and share some excerpts from my personal prayer journal. (Not all of them, because I do believe in having "a secret place" with God.) I hope sharing some of my triumphs and struggles helps encourage you in your own journey. It's a little scary, but sharing my spiritual walk with you is the MOST important to me. Of course, if you have prayer requests of your own, send them to me via the "contact" tab! 

Please allow me to be a light to everyone who sees me. A reflection of You, so that they can see that YOU are light. YOU are hope. You are love. 

Friday, May 7, 2021


If you're following along with me, I want you to be able to see the heart behind my efforts. That's why I created the "Prayers" tab. This is the place where I will get a little vulnerable and share some excerpts from my personal prayer journal. (Not all of them, because I do believe in having "a secret place" with God.) I hope sharing some of my triumphs and struggles helps encourage you in your own journey. It's a little scary, but sharing my spiritual walk with you is the MOST important to me. Of course, if you have prayer requests of your own, send them to me via the "contact" tab! 

I’m having an existential crisis. 

What if the world ended tomorrow - would I have lived up to the potential You have for me? Would You have worked through me in all of the ways that You intend to? Would I have gotten in the way of that by wasting time of foolish things? Things concerning this earth? Would I be where I want to be in my relationship with You? Would I have spent all of my time and energy on that? On You? On our relationship? On glorifying You? Praising You? On making Your name known in all the ways that I can?

What should You have me do then, Lord? How can I make strides? 

Everything other than this just seems really small to me right now. 

Friday, April 23, 2021


If you're following along with me, I want you to be able to see the heart behind my efforts. That's why I created the "Prayers" tab. This is the place where I will get a little vulnerable and share some excerpts from my personal prayer journal. (Not all of them, because I do believe in having "a secret place" with God.) I hope sharing some of my triumphs and struggles helps encourage you in your own journey. It's a little scary, but sharing my spiritual walk with you is the MOST important to me. Of course, if you have prayer requests of your own, send them to me via the "contact" tab! 

Thought of the day:

If I don’t understand mercy, then there’s no way I can understand You. 

I should keep that in mind...like...at all times. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021


 If you're following along with me, I want you to be able to see the heart behind my efforts. That's why I created the "Prayers" tab. This is the place where I will get a little vulnerable and share some excerpts from my personal prayer journal. (Not all of them, because I do believe in having "a secret place" with God.) I hope sharing some of my triumphs and struggles helps encourage you in your own journey. It's a little scary, but sharing my spiritual walk with you is the MOST important to me. Of course, if you have prayer requests of your own, send them to me via the "contact" tab! 

Something I’ve been thinking about this week, since it’s Passion week, is just the fickleness of human nature. And the fickleness of me. 

How many times do I praise You and then, in the next breath, betray You?

And my GOSH. Not on purpose. Not because I want to. 

But I think of that one line:

“Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice call out among the scoffers.”

And it hurts me. It breaks my heart. 

Obviously, that’s not the point - it’s not how the story ends. 


It does weigh heavy on me today. It does make me think about the magnitude of what You went through. For me, for everyone. 

Just where my head is today

Tuesday, March 2, 2021


 If you're following along with me, I want you to be able to see the heart behind my efforts. That's why I created the "Prayers" tab. This is the place where I will get a little vulnerable and share some excerpts from my personal prayer journal. (Not all of them, because I do believe in having "a secret place" with God.) I hope sharing some of my triumphs and struggles helps encourage you in your own journey. It's a little scary, but sharing my spiritual walk with you is the MOST important to me. Of course, if you have prayer requests of your own, send them to me via the "contact" tab!

Last night my Bible study asked “What commands is the Almighty Captain giving me for my life?”

To help. 

To serve. 

To love. 

To glorify Your name. 

To make Your name known. 

To praise. 

To show other people what You’re all about. 

To listen. 

To heal when I can. 

To let other people see You in some of the qualities in me. 

That’s what others have shown me lately, and I want to do the same.