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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

15 Ways to Feel Happier, Starting Today!

So let's just get this out first thing:
I am bad at a lot of things.
Painting the nails on my left hand
Not laughing during serious moments
Taking price tags off of presents before I wrap them
Understanding Econ
Not Facebook stalking celebs

I mean, seriously. The list is infinite.

If there's one thing that I am, though, it's HAPPY.
I've always taken pride in this fact, actually, because it's one thing in which I don't have to try.
Not even a little.

That being said, even the happiest of people have testing times in their lives. 
And it's so easy to get into the "if I only had {fill in the blank,} I would be truly happy" mindset.

It's during these times, that it's most important to pull ourselves out of the pessimistic state we're in, before it becomes a habit.

These are some of the ways I refind my happiness every single day and stay optimistic.

1. Stop to smell the roses- This isn't a demand or a rule. I've only simply noticed that when I stop to enjoy whatever it is I'm doing - anything from taking a coffee break to folding the laundry - it takes the stress and the chore out of the task. You may be thinking "Um, getting coffee isn't a chore." And you'd be right, typically. But if you are having a day where you have a million things on your mind, and you're just plain old stressed…well…anything can seem like a chore. Train your brain to find the good things. I was cleaning out my drawers the other day (something that, if you know me at all, you know I DREAD,) and I found myself trying on all of the makeup I had forgotten about, because it was buried under a pile of….more makeup? :/ All of a sudden, cleaning out didn't feel like such chore. In fact, it felt more like shopping in my own home. My point is, there's good in every situation, it's up to you to find it. 

2. Compliment someone- I can't tell you how many times in my life I've encountered someone that immediately gave mean vibes….a cashier, a nurse, the person next in line. When that happens to me, I like to make it my personal mission to see if I can get that person to smile. Why? I don't know. But I can tell you, in my experience, just one single compliment…"I like your necklace!"… can completely change a person's demeanor. Another thing to consider is that you have no idea how that person's day is going or what is happening in his/her life. A single kind word may totally turn their day around. Noticing beauty around you and beauty in other people is one surefire way to feel happy. And it's just nice to be nice. Am I right?

3. Do one thing just for you- We all know it's important to take time for yourself. But I say, take it one step further and do something everyday that you truly love. Maybe it's painting or drawing. Maybe it's singing. Maybe it's just putting on your favorite music and dancing around your room for five minutes. (I do that all the time. No shame.) Whatever it is, make sure you set apart some time just for you. Just to do what you love. 

4. Be resilient- I am an artist-type. I love painting, photography, acting, dancing (any kind of performing, really.) So I have, by default, subjected myself to a lifetime of rejection. It sounds terrible, but it's actually okay. Because of it, I have learned to be resilient. You know how they say "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?" Well, I may be insane, because I am the type that stays down for .2 seconds, gets up, and tries again. I may be insane, but I'm insane and happy. Because holding onto a failure (or at least what you yourself consider to be a "failure") is like not forgiving someone that has hurt you. It weighs you down. You can't move forward. It inhibits your personal growth and in the end, you just end up hurting yourself. Hard situations are hard, and they do hurt, but they don't have to hurt forever. You just have to get back up and try again. Eventually, you'll realize you've succeeded a lot more than you'll ever fail. And that feels pretty good. 

5. Sweat- I feel silly suggesting this, because I AM THE WORST AT EXERCISING. Really, I am. But exercising gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands….they just don't!


6. Do someone a favor- Same as #2. Being nice is nice. (P.S. It doesn't count if you're doing it just to look nice. The joy comes from the satisfaction of knowing you actually did the right thing.)

7. Fake it 'till you make it-  Pretty self-explanatory. Some days you just don't feel happy. That's normal. I think it's a state of mind on those kinds of days. Maybe one things happens that throws you off your game, and then everything seems to snowball. You can change that. Just change your state of mind. Find a positive and think yourself happy.

8. Don't hold grudges- Take it from me. I've definitely been the grudge-holder in many situations. And it did nothing but keep me in the pessimistic state of stewing over something that had already been done. Don't be like me and let that get in the way of your happiness. And don't let someone who was mean to you have the control over your happiness. 

Uh uh girl!

9. Complete a task you've been dreading- This might seem counterintuitive, but just give it a try. Maybe it's going to the DMV. Maybe it's cleaning out your garage. In my case, I am suuuuuper shy. I, literally, would rather do anything than have to talk to a stranger. Seriously. Paying in a store? Hate. Ordering at a restaurant? FORGET IT. Ugh, I'm breaking out in a cold sweat just thinking about it. But you know what? Every time I do one of those things - things that seem so simple to other people but are a challenge to me - I walk away feeling accomplished. I know it sounds silly, but doing something you've been dreading will give you an immediate boost of confidence. Just try it, and tell me you don't walk away like:


10. Hum yourself happy- Hey, it worked for the dwarves…

11. Stop worrying- Seriously, the sooner we learn to stop worrying (specifically about things we can't control,) the sooner the world will be a happier place. That's the reason God commanded it in the Bible. He didn't command it to be mean, or because he knew it would be a tough challenge for us. He commanded it, because He wants his children to be happy. And He knows (i mean, everything, but…) that giving all our worries to Him will take a heck of a lot of pressure off of us. 

12. Count your blessings…literally- Seriously. Sit down, and start writing. Don't leave anything out. Sometimes we just need a visual aid to help us see that we have a lot more positives than we do negatives in life. 

13. Indulge in something nostalgic- This is very scientific. Lolz jk. I don't know why this works. All I know is, every time I pick up a Lip Smacker or listen to any song from …Baby One More Time, I am truly blissful. I don't know how it works, it just does. 


14. Smile at everyone you see- the more you smile, the happier you'll be. Fact.

15. Pray- When all else fails, or even when all else doesn't fail, pray. Praying is the secret to happiness. Knowing you have a best friend you always, always count on is the best feeling in the world. Someone you can always talk to, will never get annoyed at you, will always have time… someone you can cry to, someone who has blessed infinitely…someone who loves you with an everlasting love, someone that will never disappoint or hurt you, someone you can come to with anything, big or small, because He already knows everything about you - every hair on your head... that's where true joy comes from.


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