Hey, Contemporary Princess! Want to lean into your identity as a daughter of the King?

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Tuesday, September 29, 2020


 If you're following along with me, I want you to be able to see the heart behind my efforts. That's why I created the "Prayers" tab. This is the place where I will get a little vulnerable and share some excerpts from my personal prayer journal. (Not all of them, because I do believe in having "a secret place" with God.) I hope sharing some of my triumphs and struggles helps encourage you in your own journey. It's a little scary, but sharing my spiritual walk with you is the MOST important to me. Of course, if you have prayer requests of your own, send them to me via the "contact" tab!

Just thinking about “having encounters” with You. And what that means, and I thought: what if it’s not some big, life-changing, mountaintop experience??

Because in reality, that’s not how You speak to us - at least not to me. 

You speak quietly, so we can only hear You when we quiet ourselves enough to do so. When we listen intently. 

So what if encounters aren’t big revelations, what if they’re more like dreams? You know, those kind of dreams that are so real and so vivid that when you wake up, you are changed. You are in a good mood, you feel lighter. You feel free. You know you’ve experienced something great but...you don’t remember the dream. That’s the thing. Like, if pressed, it couldn’t be described or relayed back....but you KNOW. Because you felt. You experienced. 

Sometimes I think encounters with You are like that. We may not be able to describe what or where or when it happened, but something - YOU - pierced our soul. You stirred something within us. You sent a lightening bolt right to our hearts. 

That’s how we know. That’s how we know You are real and You are ALIVE and You are You. 

If it was so obvious, we wouldn’t need faith. 

Idk....is that weird? It’s just something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. I think encounters are more like dreams and deja vu. And we get to experience You with just a sharp spark of a moment. And when we get to Heaven, we’ll experience that “moment” at its full capacity and glory. And it’ll all make sense. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


    If you're following along with me, I want you to be able to see the heart behind my efforts. That's why I created the "Prayers" tab. This is the place where I will get a little vulnerable and share some excerpts from my personal prayer journal. (Not all of them, because I do believe in having "a secret place" with God.) I hope sharing some of my triumphs and struggles helps encourage you in your own journey. It's a little scary, but sharing my spiritual walk with you is the MOST important to me. Of course, if you have prayer requests of your own, send them to me via the "contact" tab!

Please silence the voice in my head that tells me to be fearful, anxious, or nervous in any way. Especially about my future. 

Fear is not a thing that comes from You. 

Friday, September 18, 2020


    If you're following along with me, I want you to be able to see the heart behind my efforts. That's why I created the "Prayers" tab. This is the place where I will get a little vulnerable and share some excerpts from my personal prayer journal. (Not all of them, because I do believe in having "a secret place" with God.) I hope sharing some of my triumphs and struggles helps encourage you in your own journey. It's a little scary, but sharing my spiritual walk with you is the MOST important to me. Of course, if you have prayer requests of your own, send them to me via the "contact" tab!

Dear God,

Today You reminded me that Your grace and mercy live in Your people - in the people around me. And I so desperately needed to hear that. Because I feel like I’m not at my 100% best, and I know I need a little extra mercy right now. So thank You for all the people that are being forgiving and patient and kind to me...and most of all, reflecting Your love in doing so. 

Thursday, September 3, 2020


   If you're following along with me, I want you to be able to see the heart behind my efforts. That's why I created the "Prayers" tab. This is the place where I will get a little vulnerable and share some excerpts from my personal prayer journal. (Not all of them, because I do believe in having "a secret place" with God.) I hope sharing some of my triumphs and struggles helps encourage you in your own journey. It's a little scary, but sharing my spiritual walk with you is the MOST important to me. Of course, if you have prayer requests of your own, send them to me via the "contact" tab!

I have been thinking: I want to experience something deeper when I pray. I have been thinking a lot about “the secret place,” and I want my own secret place with You. I feel like my prayers are so two-dimensional, and I want them to be supernatural. I want to EXPERIENCE You. I want Heaven to send a little lighting bolt through my heart. Wake me up to the true You. 

To do this, I’m going to have to find my secret place with You. 

And to do THIS, I have to seek You and have You draw me into YOUR presence, not try to bring You down to my presence. 

I can sit in my room (or wherever) and picture me and You having a real relationship type of conversation. Because then I have brought You down to my level (literally,) and I’m not focused on being Kingdom-minded. I’m still Earth-minded. And besides, why would I want to limit Your majesty in that way?!

To keep my thoughts and my life and my everything Heaven-minded, I have to be drawn into YOUR presence. That’s the only way I can pray and experience Your supernatural peace, comfort, joy, and love. 

Just something I’ve been dwelling on. 

Please help me have a breakthrough here. I really want to find my secret place with You, and go there ALL the time. And change the game. 


Tuesday, September 1, 2020




  If you're following along with me, I want you to be able to see the heart behind my efforts. That's why I created the "Prayers" tab. This is the place where I will get a little vulnerable and share some excerpts from my personal prayer journal. (Not all of them, because I do believe in having "a secret place" with God.) I hope sharing some of my triumphs and struggles helps encourage you in your own journey. It's a little scary, but sharing my spiritual walk with you is the MOST important to me. Of course, if you have prayer requests of your own, send them to me via the "contact" tab!

Dear God,

Thank you for being mine. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for pursuing me so fervently, yet so gently. 

I love You with absolutely all of my heart. 

I love that You choose me, even when I feel I am not worth choosing. 

I love that when I mess up - when I know I disappoint You and break Your heart - You are waiting for me to come back to You. Arms open, ready to embrace me. 

I love that You have recently placed so many good people in my life. Mentors, whether they know it or not. That love You with all of THEIR hearts, and lead me by their example. People who know me and my heart for You. People who lift me up. People who inspire me. 

I love You for giving me a family who cares about me. 

I love You for possessing both a fierce strength and a tender compassion. 

I love every stranger I meet, because with each one, I learn a little something about You. 

I love that people I can’t stand are Your children first, and that calls me out on my crap. It makes me grow. 

I love this time alone with You lately. I always knew I needed it, but I didn’t know exactly what to do to get here. 

I love that You know every single part of me. And You don’t reject any of it. 

I love You for encouraging me and never belittling me. 

I love Your creation. I love Your art. 

I live for You. Every new thing I discover about You makes me love You more. I want to keep discovering. I want every single day for all of eternity to be an adventure with You and a discovery of You. About You. I can’t (obviously) put into words the true yearning I feel - the true love I feel - and that’s one reason I love You most. Because You know my heart, without me saying a word. 

I love You, Lord. 

I just want You to know. 
